ADHS Empowerment Program
Empower Program
Our Preschool is participating in an exciting, health-promoting program called Empower Pack. As participants in this program, we will teach our preschool students about nutrition, exercise, health, and the dangers of smoking as part of our regular classroom curriculum. We will also provide our students’ families with important health and wellness information as part of this program.
Here are “10 Ways to Empower Children to Live Healthy Lives” as suggested through the Empower Program.
Standard 1: Provide at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity (teacher-led and free play) and do not allow more than 60 minutes of sedentary activity at a time, or more than three hours of screen time per week.
Standard 2: Practice “sun safety.”
Standard 3: Provide a breastfeeding-friendly environment.
Standard 4: Participate in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) if eligible.
Standard 5: Limit service fruit juice to no more than two times per week.
Standard 6: Serve meals family style and do not use food as a reward.
Standard 7: Provide monthly oral healthcare education or implement a toothbrushing program.
Standard 8: Ensure that staff members receive three hours of training annually on Empower topics.
Standard 9: Make Arizona Smokers’ Helpline (ASHLine) education materials available at all times.
Standard 10: Maintain a smoke-free campus.
Let our preschool teacher know if you have any questions about this important the Empower Pack program.